The ASTRAIOS project is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Framework Programme, in the Strategic Autonomy in Developing, Deploying and Using Global Space-based Infrastructures, Services, Applications, and Data call. The project has a total budget of € 2, 239, 400. It successfully kicked off in January 2023 and will run until December 2025.
The overall objective of ASTRAIOS is to provide an exhaustive view and understanding of the current and future offer of Space curricula and courses in the EU-27 and characterize the demand from the European Space industry, leading to the identification of actionable ways forward toward a better alignment between the European space sector’s curricula and qualification capabilities and the skills required by the future EU space sector to foster innovation and increase EU competitiveness.
Mariana Belgiu together with Yolla Al Asmar, Raian Vargas Maretto and Liv Hassinger are leading the first work package of the project (WP1) and one of the tasks in WP4 dedicated to developing educational material for Copernicus and Galileo users. The overall aim of WP1 is to provide a structured analysis of the space-oriented curricula across the EU 27 at Bachelor, Master, postgraduate, and continuing education levels using advanced text mining methods and perform a quantitative assessment of the socio-economic characteristics of the students enrolled in these courses and eventually employed in various space sectors.
Consortium partners
· European Science Foundation (FR) – project leader
· Faculty ITC, University of Twente (NL)
· AZO Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen (GE)
· SME4Space (BE)
· University of Strathclyde (UK) (WP 3 leader)
· EASN Technology Innovation Services (BE)
· International Space University (FR)
· Technical University of Crete (GR)
· SpaceY (FR)
· Space Skills Alliance (UK)