Peng Jia


Address a range of global health issues in our online course Geo-Health

Geo-health is the integration of geographic information, technologies and spatial concepts with epidemiology.

Health and disease is complex and requires a dynamic approach to understanding the drivers behind the patterns that we see. Geo-spatial technologies and GIScience play a vital role in visualizing where and when diseases occur in space and time, providing context and helping us understand why they may be prevalent, who may be affected and how to address the problem potentially.

Here at ITC, we have developed a collaborative research and learning environment that enables us to address various health and disease issues all over the world. For more information on what we have done and how geospatial technologies and data can be used for geo-health, we refer to our publications.


Research and projects in geo-health.


ITC is known to be one of the top institutes worldwide in geo-information science and earth observation. At ITC, we train students to engineer approaches for designing future-oriented solutions to the world's biggest challenges. We encourage our students to participate in public-private partnership projects initiated by ITC and other organizations.

Related courses

View all programmes
  • Geo-Health - 5EC (online course)

    Geohealth integrates spatial analysis methods and concepts with epidemiology to provide students with skills to address a variety of health and disease analyses.
    Certificate10 weeksFull-time100% English
  • Geo-Health - 7EC (online course)

    Geohealth integrates spatial analysis methods and concepts with epidemiology to provide students with skills to address a variety of health and disease analyses.
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  • Geo-information Science and Earth Observation

    Are you interested in a career in spatial data science and becoming an Earth Observation or Geographic Information Systems professional and making a meaningful impact in the geospatial field? Join us!
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    Applied Remote Sensing for Earth Sciences

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    Free specialisation

    Design your very own specialisation
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    Geo-Information Management for Land Administration

    How can you develop responsible land administration systems? In this specialisation, you will develop cadastral maps, land registries, and other land records to help people secure their land tenure.
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    How can you process massive geospatial data into actionable insights? This specialisation teaches you to construct algorithmic solutions and other AI methods to address real-life geospatial problems.
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    Natural Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction

    Learn how to use geo-information to predict, monitor, and quantify hazards and their magnitude in a specific geographic area and time and to design geospatial risk reduction approaches.
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    Natural Resources Management

    Learn to utilize geo-spatial data for sustainable agriculture, environement and forests.
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    Urban Planning and Management

    How to transform cities into healthier, more sustainable, and inclusive places where people and nature can thrive? Learn to understand complex urban processes and develop sustainable strategies.
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    Water Resources and Environmental Management

    Learn to apply geo-information and Earth observation techniques to tackle global water-related challenges such as flooding, water scarcity, water pollution, and food safety.
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News and Events

The most recent news items and events related to geo-health of our Faculty Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente.

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Contact us

If you are interested in applying geo to health-related topics and collaborating with us please contact Justine Blanford. You can find her contact details below.