The GEONETCast Toolbox is a plug‐in developed under ILWIS386 to support education and research in geo‐sciences. The toolbox plugin allows the processing of the data delivered through GEONETCast‐EUMETCast data streams, relevant for land, ocean and atmosphere.
The GEONETCast Toolbox, now available as a plug-in of ILWIS version 3.8.6 or higher, is offering a set of utilities that facilitate easy import of various satellite and environmental data and products that are disseminated via the EUMETCast Europe (Ku Band) and Africa (C-band) Services, into a common GIS environment. Next to this, routines have been developed allowing the user to access free and open (s)ftp and http(s) time-series of environmental, meteorological and climatological data sources. These routines have replaced the ISOD toolbox which is no longer supported.
After installation of the GEONETCast-Toolbox plug-in a new tab, called “Geonetcast Toolbox”, will appear in the ILWIS Operation-Tree.
The main menu of the toolbox showing the graphical user interface. Using the menu various satellite and environmental data sources disseminated through EUMETCast – GEONETCast can be easily incorporated into the ILWIS GIS and RS environment.