Become a high-skilled geospatial professional
TimelineFrom February 2022 to 1 January 2023
ThemeFood security
Funded byISPRS Education and Capacity Building Initiatives 2022 and Twente-ECIU 2022 CBL grant

Challenge-Based Learning for UAV Photogrammetry Education (CBL4UAv)

Challenge-Based Learning aims at delivering education and knowledge by tackling and solving real-world challenges: teachers/mentors, stakeholders, and students are all involved in this process. In the general CBL framework, stakeholders from the public, private, and non-profit sectors bring the real-world challenge, while students develop the technical solution thanks to the support of the mentors. In this setting, students develop important practical skills and learn how to implement academic knowledge in practical situations which are not often covered in traditional academic education. This makes CBL particularly suitable for students from other domains that want to gain knowledge on Geospatial solutions to solve challenges in their domains. By using educational scaffolding techniques, the students and stakeholders will be helped on their way and will have an increasing amount of freedom to work on their challenges. The teacher ensures academic and content quality while delivering knowledge relevant to the perspectives of the students and stakeholders involved.

This study aims to implement and deliver guidelines on how to adopt CBL in an educational framework for teaching Geospatial education.  The study is designed and handled in five main phases Engagement, Investigate, Act, and Evaluation, and in the last phase pilot is designed and developed to practice the designed framework on the main topics of food security and cultural heritage.


The designed framework with some available samples of implementation is publicly available here for those interested to reuse it for any educational activities. Please feel free to adopt and we will be happy to know about your experience via  f.dadrassjavan@utwente.nl.

1 - If you like to study a summary of CBL and the CBL4UAV project, you can use our  Introduction to CBL presentation (File1, see below)

2 - The designed CBL Framework is also completely available for those who are interested to adapt or reuse it in their educational activities.

a. CBL-Engagement phase (file 2, see below)
b. CBL-Investigation phase (file 3, see below)
c. CBL-Act phase (file 4, see below)
d. CBL-Evaluation  phase (file 5, see below)

3 - Also, we would like to publish some of our activity results achieved in the pilot phase (file 6, see below)

Contact persons

dr.ing. F. Dadrass Javan
Project leader
Global impact
Food security

Population growth is leading to increasing demands for food and hence claiming more land for food production. This process has thrown many developing countries into a poverty trap characterized by expansion of agriculture into marginal lands, land degradation and declining yields. 

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