Become a high-skilled geospatial professional
TimelineFrom October 2016 to 14 October 2018
ThemeSmart cities
Funded byErasmus+ Programme of the European Union
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By focusing on urban resilience, CARE addresses one of the most urgent topics in EU and Latin America (LA). Most LA countries are dealing with climate risk management issues, but they lack a holistic and common approach to resilience. International cooperation seems then the best-fit environment where to develop joint learning tools, go in depth on peculiar research and deliver support to policy makers. An urban resilience framework calls for a process that brings together diverse departments and sectors to identify appropriate measures, responses and recovery. It needs transversal competences, e-skills, creativity and flexibility.

CARE aims to challenge those issues by promoting HEI staff’s and students’ interdisciplinary skills by developing innovative educational approaches to planning. Furthermore, it aims to bring the challenge within the core of urban municipalities by directly and indirectly training professionals and officers to shape resilient policies. To attain this goals, CARE proposes an alternation of desk activities and workshops aimed at the collective production, development, sharing, testing and dissemination of Open Educational Resources (OERs), based on the use of collaborative Conceptual Maps. Being publicly available on the CARE e-learning platform in English and Spanish, they are expected to empower programme courses in HEIs (CARE Cmaps) and provide targeted training for professionals, public officers, policy makers (Open Training Modules).

CARE outputs will challenge the complex and interconnecting issues related to urban resilience. It will operate to transfer resilience conceptual issues into operational capabilities in local government, civil society and professional communities. Finally CARE aims at establishing a network among LA, Europe and outside, to improve their educational capacities on urban resilience, as well as to transfer CARE results and findings to an operational policy perspective at different territorial levels.

Contact persons

prof.dr. R.V. Sliuzas
Project leader
J.A. Horn MPhil
Project officer
Global impact
Smart cities

Contemporary urbanization is accompanied by a variety of challenges with regard to the quality of urban life. At ITC, we develop tools, devices and infrastructures for addressing pressing urban issues such as basic service provision, disaster risk reduction, urban mobility or urban poverty.

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