Landslides Course 21-25 November

Become a high-skilled geospatial professional

Developments in landslide inventory, susceptibility, hazard and risk assessments at the UT Centre for Disaster Resilience


For all researchers and practitioners interested in landslide inventory, hazard and risk assessment

The course was conducted on November 21-25 2022

Within the Centre for Disaster Resilience (CDR) at the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of the University of Twente (Netherlands), we carry out MSc and PhD research with students from all over the world. This course presents a summary of recent research results on various research topics related with landslide inventory mapping, susceptibility mapping, landslide hazard assessment, Landslide Early Warning and multi-hazard risk assessment.

Within the CDR we have established a research group on landslides that covers a range of topics. We also link research with training, and international projects. Students are supported to carry out fieldwork in areas with many landslide problems. In this course we showed examples from Nepal, India, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam, Colombia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand and Norway. This paper presents examples from MSc students, many of which have obtained PhD research position in other Universities, with whom we collaborate in international projects.

The course was given in collaboration with the Colombian Geological Survey and the National University of Colombia, Medellin, and the centre on GeoHazards.

COURSE CONTENT, course materials and lectures

The videos of the lectures & demonstrations, and the training materials can be downloaded for each day.

Day 1: 21 November: Landslide triggers and landslide evolution (Cees van Westen & Hakan Tanyas)

Day 2: 22 November: Automated landslide mapping (Muhammed Aufaristama & Sansar Raj Meena)

Day 3: 23 November: Spatio-temporal modelling using statistical modelling (Luigi Lombardo & Mateo Moreno)

Day 4: 24 November: Multi-Hazard Modelling using physically-based models (Bastian van den Bout)

Day 5: 25 November: Multi-hazard Risk Assessment (Cees van Westen & Ashok Dahal)

You are free to use the materials for learning and training, but we would require you to reference it appropriately.