Home ITCGeoversity Go-Live Celebration

Geoversity Go-Live Celebration

As some of you already know, Geoversity is the new digital platform powered by ITC that aims to lead digital education in the Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation field. Launching on 13 May 2024, Geoversity will offer content from Faculty ITC and partner institutions to students and professionals worldwide.

Delivering courses, podcasts, videos and website articles, Geoversity strives to become the premier life-long-learning platform for the geospatial community. We've had the pleasure of inviting our alumni to our first two test intakes, and we're grateful to have received overwhelming support, which shows us that we're on the right track.

Starting from Monday 13 May, Geoversity will be available to learners worldwide, and presented at the Geospatial World Forum in Rotterdam. We invite you to browse our new platform and to celebrate this achievement together on Thursday 16 May 2024

Geoversity Go-Live event

Time: 16:00 to 18:00hrs,
Venue: ITC Central Hall
Livestream: www.itc.nl/live 

The ITC Geoversity Team