Dear colleagues and students,
We would like to invite you to a free online workshop on “3D Geospatial Data Integration on the web with open-source solutions” that will be given by Dr. Marcello La Guardia Ph.D., Research fellow at DICEA (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering) University of Florence. Scientific visitor at ITC working with Mila Koeva on “3D data integration on the web for Digital Twins”.
The programme for the workshop is:
Online / 14 December 2023 / 09:00 - 13:00
• Web scripting, 3D data acquisition, 3D modelling and GIS-based strategies for 3D web navigation based on open-source solutions.
• Hands on experience playing with 3D data integration for testing 3D web navigation models.
If you would like to follow this free online workshop, please register below
If you have any questions please contact Dr. Marcello La Guardia via