Monitoring Wild Boar

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Region: the Netherlands

Description: Wild boar population is reported to increase in the province of Overijssel. As they are often involved in road accidents and cause damage to crops, their presence needs to be monitored. Furthermore, wild boars are the vectors of African swine fever, a devastating infectious disease of pigs. Wild boar movement from neighbouring countries (e.g. Germany) poses a high heath and economic risk for pig farms. However, population estimation and monitoring is not straightforward as wild boars are cryptic, nocturnal species. The province of Overijssel (Fauna Policy Implementation office) requested the UT to provide advisory on a protocol for the estimation of the population of wild boars. Experimental layout, data collection and statistical analyses of acquired data will take place for the pilot area of Engbertsdijksvenen. The main methods to be tested employ modelling of population density with wildlife cameras (CTs) and advanced Unmanned Aerial Systems (drones) with thermal cameras. For the latter, ITC is also closely collaborating with NVWA (Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit, dpt. of Remote Sensing and Data Acquisition). NVWA is highly interested in monitoring the population of wild boars due to the risk of African Swine fever spread in the Netherlands. The project also involved a citizen science component (UT DesignLab), innovation companies (CTs), student project work and collaboration with ENETWILD European network.

Partners: NVWA (Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit), ENETWILD European network.

Sponsor: Province of Overijssel


dr. P. Nyktas (Panagiotis)
Assistant Professor