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Tenure security and land rights for all

Tenure security and land rights for all is in SDG 1.4. Its4Land is about data acquisition in support of this SDG. The “Its4Land” project created six new tools to make land rights mapping faster, cheaper, easier, and more responsible. Those tools are relevant for the establishment and documentation of land rights world-wide. Very relevant to society.

Its4Land need to be in a new phase - making it applicable. This requires cooperation and networking with Universities, Cadastres and Registries and with NGOs operating at the community level. The generated knowledge in the Its4Land Land Administration Toolbox should be transferred to support the upscaling in documenting land rights worldwide. Interfaces and interoperability between the field data collection and the national databases is required based on the Land Administration Domain Model. It is very important to focus on the data maintenance – people to land relationships are dynamic and need to be up to date in the land information systems. All this affordable and flexible, participatory, gender-sensitive - and monitorable. If the data are available and up to date there will be improved tenure security and a foundation for spatial planning.