Home ITCCuriousU summer school (11-20 August 2019)

CuriousU summer school (11-20 August 2019)

gis & earth observation: the essential perspective for projects

From 11 to 20 August 2019, CuriousU summer school is taking place at the green campus of the University of Twente. One of the courses offered during CuriousU is “Earth Observation & GIS for Engineering and Security”. Course leader is the ITC “Best teacher of the year” Gabriel Parodi. Lucas de Oto-Lecturer/Researcher in Natural Resource Management department of ITC and Diana Chavarro-Lecturer at the Geo-information Processing department of ITC will be guiding you throughout this course.

Gabriel Parodi
Lucas de Oto
Diana Chavarro Rincon

The course is ideal for you in case you would like to learn some fundamental aspects of land spatial modelling and combine aspects of Geographic information systems and remote observation simultaneously. If you are also interested in the examples and exercises of the use of spatial tools for human intervention in engineering and security, you should definitely attend this CuriousU summer course.

Register now and save your spot via https://www.utwente.nl/en/summer-school-curiousu/registration/. ITC students can receive a special discount, contact us so as to receive more details!

For more information, please check https://www.utwente.nl/en/summer-school-curiousu/courses/gis-earth-observation-essential-perspective-projects/.