2 satellites - Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment

Launched in:2002
Out of service since:2017
Orbit height:437 km
Orbit type:Near polar
Organisation: NASA - USA
K-band ranging systems and Accelerometers were switched off in Feb 2013.
Mission ended 27 Oct 2017.

GRACE websites


Earth System Science Pathfinder Missions
GFZ ISDC - Grace
CSR Univ of Texas - Grace
PODAAC - Grace mission
CSR Univ of Texas - Brochure
NASA JPL - Missions
ESA Earth Online
GFZ Potsdam - GRACE

Data ordering

GFZ ISDC - Grace
ESA Earth Online - Search
GFZ - Grace data (FTP)
PODAAC - Grace data
NASA JPL - Grace Tellus
NASA Giovanni (data and visualisation)
ESA - Third Party Missions (data for research)

On Board Sensors

KBR (K-band Ranging System)